Zap - Business Intelligence Tools & Data Management Software
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I love it when you

talk data to me

      I love it

when you

talk data

to me

talk data

to me

We are data and software crafters. We built Zap Data Hub with a clear goal: to simplify data management for business users.

What is data management?

Data management is preparing data for insight.

Does your data reconcile across your data silos?​ Can you report on a consolidated view? Is your data enriched for complete insight?

Zap Data Hub consolidates, reconciles, and enriches your data. It enables holistic insight across your business through smart integrations with your existing financial and operational software and broad support for additional sources.

so 2010

Data silos
are so


Does your data reconcile across your data silos?​ Can you report on a consolidated view? Is your data enriched for complete insight?

Zap Data Hub consolidates, reconciles, and enriches your data. It enables holistic insight across your business through smart integrations with your existing financial and operational software and broad support for additional sources.



Data silos are


Bring it all


We are data and software crafters. We built Zap Data Hub with a clear goal: to simplify data management for business users.

What is data management?

Getting all your data in one place, ready for analytics. Bring it all together!

If you're struggling to get insight from your data, or facing challenges with analytics and financial reporting, get your data preparation right. Start with Zap.

We are data and software crafters. We built Zap Data Hub with a clear goal: to simplify data management for business users.

What is data management?

Getting all your data in one place, ready for analytics. Bring it all together!

If you're struggling to get insight from your data, or facing challenges with analytics and financial reporting, get your data preparation right. Start with Zap.

it all to-gether

We are data and software crafters. We built Zap Data Hub with a clear goal: to simplify data management for business users.

What is data management?

Getting all your data in one place, ready for analytics. Bring it all together!

If you're struggling to get insight from your data, or facing challenges with analytics and financial reporting, get your data preparation right. Start with Zap.

Bring it all


One analytic
to rule
them all




Many modern financial and CRM tools come with an integrated analytic solution. Is your team ready to invest in learning multiple different analytic tools?  

Zap Data Hub lets you leverage a single analytic tool for all your financial and operational analytics requirements. Power BI or our own Data Hub Analytics.

You choose.

One analytic tool to rule




* If you missed the Lord of the Rings reference, don't worry. You won't miss references in Zap Data Hub, with in-app training and context-sensitive help.

Many modern financial and CRM tools come with an integrated analytic solution. Is your team ready to invest in learning multiple different analytic tools?

ZAP Data Hub lets you leverage a single analytic tool for all your financial and operational analytics requirements. Power BI or our own Data Hub Analytics.


You choose.


If you missed the Lord of the Rings
    reference, don't worry. You won't
     miss references in Data Hub,
    with in-app training and context-sensitive help.

We embed thousands of hours of expertise and validation into our pre-built data models to accelerate you on your data journey, and our powerful data management platform future-proofs your investments.

But don't just take our word for it, let this "genuine" endorsement prove our point.

It's not the hundreds, even thousands of source tables that present the biggest challenge, it's the source workflow. Do you trust that you'll get it right the first time and each time thereafter? Will you be acting on this data? Then what could go wrong? 

We embed thousands of hours of expertise and validation into our pre-built data models to accelerate you on your data journey, and our powerful data management platform future-proofs your investments.

But don't just take our word for it, let this "genuine" endorsement prove our point.

Thinking of DIY?

It's not the hundreds, even thousands of source tables that present the biggest challenge, it's the source workflow. Do you trust that you'll get it right the first time and each time thereafter? Then what could go wrong?

We embed thousands of hours of expertise and validation into our pre-built data models to accelerate you on your data journey, and our powerful data management platform future-proofs your investments.

But don't just take our word for it, let this "genuine" endorsement prove our point...

Thinking of DIY?

It's not the hundreds, even thousands of source tables that present the biggest challenge, it's the source workflow. Do you trust that you'll get it right the first time and each time thereafter? Will you be acting on this data? Then what could go wrong? 

Thinking of




If it's not actionable, it's not useful. Our pre-built analytics provide actionable, expert-crafted metrics to drive outcomes.

Talk data to me


of our customers report adopting a pet after purchasing Zap


of our customers are right-handed


of our customers are not ambidextrous


of our pets are right-pawed


increase in staff pets since 2020


of our staff can sneeze with their eyes open

Talk data
to me


of our customers report adopting a pet after purchasing Zap


of our customers are right-handed


of our pets are right-pawed


of our customers are not ambidextrous


increase in staff pets since 2020


of our staff can sneeze with their eyes open

If it's not actionable, it's not useful.

Our pre-built analytics provide actionable, expert-crafted metrics to drive outcomes.

Kirstie Jenkin

Business Systems Manager, CBCo Brewing

"Prior to implementing Zap Data Hub, our ability to evaluate business performance was very limited. Today we’re equipped with knowledge and accessible and timely data, making us extremely happy with both the product and our level of service."

Jim Fennell

Information systems manager, Lagan Management

"Everybody who has access to Zap Data Hub and starts using information from the system has seen an in improvement in their efficiency."

Yannick Huo Chao Huan

IT Project Manager, Convivio

“We needed a tool that would be used to ‘urbanize’ data in our information systems and was simple to maintain. Zap Data Hub delivers on both counts. It’s smart, ergonomic, and modern. We also selected Zap because of the follow-up and the credibility of their staff.”

Chris Greaves

Customer Insights Manager, Esri UK

“Zap Data Hub is a quick, clever, simple way of standing up a data warehouse with all the transformations and joins done automatically!”

Trusted by customers in over 40 countries worldwide

Are you ready to

transform into a data-

driven organisation?

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